I have been aslked by our technology committee to find Canadian Schools using Liunux servers. I would really appreciate if list members would eamil me dirctly giving a list of networ applications they are serving from linux boxes.
If you read french, you can find hundreds of them and some examples of uses of Linux at http://linuxeduquebec.org for the use of Linux or free software (as in free speech) in Quebec.
Also, MILLE project (http://mille.ca) has lots of information on free software project in school. You can find some technical info (still in french) about middleware used in a school counsil of about 40000 students ~ 80 schools (http://mille.ca/mille/sousprojets/middleware.do)
Good luck !
-- Benoit St-André ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mon carnet web: http://benoitst-andre.net/blog/ Connaissez-vous Linuxédu-Québec ? http://linuxeduquebec.org
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