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Re: [school-discuss] [Fwd: [ICT Research Network] Thin Client]
Look at the K12ltsp.com map for some good leads.
On 2/6/06, Miles Berry <mberry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [ICT Research Network] Thin Client
> Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 11:00:02 -0000
> From: Gaynor Sharp <Gaynor.Sharp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: Becta's ICT Research Network <research@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <research@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Becta Thin Client study- help required*
> Becta has commissioned KPMG to study the implementation of Thin Client
> technology in schools in England. Their work will help establish the
> extent and types of deployment of this technology, and look at the
> functionality, costs, benefits and issues of such solutions. We would be
> grateful for your help in this work.
> As part of the study, KPMG need to identify as many schools as possible
> across England, elsewhere in the UK and internationally that are using
> or planning to implement Thin Client technology.
> Please email KPMG with contact details for any school you know of that
> has either implemented Thin Client technology or is in the process of
> doing so. Email details to thinclient@xxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:thinclient@xxxxxxxxxx>.
> It would be very helpful if you could provide any relevant information
> as soon as you are able – if possible by 17 February - as KPMG need to
> follow up leads by the middle of March.
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct