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Re: [school-discuss] Comics
Whilst we figure out how we want to do this... how about we start on comic ideas? Here's a rough one based on HHH:
Panel 1:
Teacher - So I guess that Microsoft is releasing a new web comic based on sysadmins... have you seen it?
Tech Guy - Yeah. The artwork is good, but it's not that funny.
Panel 2:
Teacher - Oh, then why did I hear you guys talking about it earlier?
Tech Guy - Because we were not talking about the comic, but it's "Requirements"...
Panel 3:
Flashback to frustrated Tech Girl at her computer - I need a _plugin_ to read the archive? Since when has a browser needed a plugin to render a jpeg?!
Tech Guy, giggling - Leave it to Microsoft to make things harder than they need to be.
Well, that's about as good as my comic-writing skills can get me this late on a sunday. Modify it or discard it.
From: Yishay Mor [mailto:yishaym@xxxxxxxxx]
To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sat, 02 Feb 2008 16:19:23 -0800
Subject: Re: [school-discuss] Comics
thanks, I'm familliar with both blogger and wordpress. Matthew suggested a wiki, and there's also quite a few free and easy to use wiki hosting services out there. But I was actually refering to the idea of collaborative editing the comic, and what I find most exciting is the collaborative editing of graphics. I haven't yet come across a tool that seems to do that well.
On 02/02/2008, James P. Kinney III <jkinney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
No need to write a tool. Just use a blog package like wordpress that has
security to only allow approved posters. It also allows uploading of
image files into the blog. Google has their free blog tool called
blogspot as well.
I just setup wordpress on my server for a friend's site
(kevinmadigan.net/blog) and my daughter is starting a writing project on
her's (startingartists.net). Wordpress is _VERY_ easy to setup and
people can have different access permissions (admin, writer) which
determines if they can add new users or just add new content.
On Sat, 2008-02-02 at 02:05 +0000, Yishay Mor wrote:
> If anyone has the energy to write this thing - I have a high pile of
> learning applications just waiting for it.
> On 01/02/2008, Matthew W. Ross <mross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hrm... an "Open Source" comic?
> Something like a Wiki page so a potential comic can be
> scripted by any and all who want...
> Then user submitted art to fit the script...
> Finally, some kind of process to "approve" the comic to be
> released...
> Sounds like it might take forever to make a single comic, but
> it might work!
> --Matt
> ______________________________________________________
> From: Joel Kahn [mailto:jj2kk4@xxxxxxxxx]
> To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 06:59:45 -0800
> Subject: [school-discuss] Comics
> I don't know how many of you have seen the
> Microsoft-sponsored
> comic strip called _Heroes Happen Here_:
> http://www.microsoft.com/heroeshappenhere/cool-stuff/comic/default.mspx
> Maybe SchoolForge needs its own comic strip--something
> like
> "Heroes of FLOSS" or whatever. Perhaps some of the
> artists
> who drew gnu pictures for the FSF might be interested,
> or
> it could be an opportunity to develop student
> talent. :-)
> Joel
> ____________________________________________________________________________________
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> --
> ___________________________
> Yishay Mor, Researcher, London Knowledge Lab
> http://www.lkl.ac.uk/people/mor.html
> http://yishaym.wordpress.com
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/yishaymor
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> +44-20-78378888 x5737
> --
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