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Re: [school-discuss] ltsp server specs question
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 10:28:06PM -0800, David Bucknell wrote:
> If you have experience with ltsp, would you comment on the
> following specs for a new server for a small school (50
> clients and another possible 100 laptops ... usually
> only 25% of those on-line).
> CPU I5-2400 3y warranty
Might do for 150*0.25 ~= 40 clients with preferably "light"
desktop but rather won't cut it for 70+.
> MB asus p8z68-v lx 3y
You might need a second gigabit ethernet and a switch
that would support bonding for those two interfaces.
Switched 100Mbps for clients is plenty though.
Will do but be prepared to double it just in case things
go to swap.
> Power Supply 850W 5y
> two 500GB HDs 7200RPM
...in RAID1, and you might prefer seek-oriented drives
(Hitachi, WD Raptor, and SSDs among SATA, or SCSI/SAS if the load
would go up). Be prepared for 4 drives in RAID10, and by any
margin, avoid RAID5 like plague for that kind of loads.
Good ol' Multi-Disk HOWTO might be your friend ;-)
> no dvd drive
Prepare rescue USB Flash drive then.
> no graphics card, onboard graphics only
That's perfectly useful for yet another seat.
> We're asking because this page is a bit old:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToCookEdubuntu/Chapters/HardwareRequirements
I don't use Edubuntu (ALTSP is quite a bit more resource
efficient), but we've brought up 24 seats on 2x4-core, 8 gigs,
4 HDD server and it barely noticed.
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
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