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Re: [school-discuss] The National Center for Fair & Open Testing
One of the things that FairTest is raising a concern about is whether or not schools will have the computing resources that they'll need to administer the PARCC and SBAC tests (both of which will be entirely computer-based tests).
Both PARCC and SBAC already have considered FLOSS systems in writing their technical specs: both organizations have already created a technology guide for schools, and both include Linux (specifically Ubuntu 11.10 or Fedora 16), Chrome OS, and Android 4.0 as minimum specs for operating systems. So, there's certainly room here to provide resources for schools who are struggling to meet the technical requirements for these tests, helping guide them towards FLOSS systems...
Politically speaking, I'm guessing that FairTest would actually rather see PARCC and SBAC fail entirely-- and if limited access to technology is at least partly responsible for that failure, so be it... Personally, I have mixed feelings about the entire situation, so I'll just leave it at this: more, better technology in the hands of schools that can least afford it is why I'm in this forum...
James Klock
Chicago Public Schools
On Feb 17, 2013, at 1:42 PM, Joel Kahn wrote:
> I'm assuming that many of you (the American members at least)
> are familiar with the ongoing debates over standardized tests
> in public schools. Here's the site of one combatant group:
> http://www.fairtest.org/
> Can we find here an opportunity for FLOSS evangelism?
> Maybe some food for thought, at least.
> Joel
> ###
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