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Re: [school-discuss] Possibilities

Mac ADd wrote:

>I've been looking at the K12LTSP site you refer to below, your case study at SilverValley K12 and an multi-part tutorial that was on LinuxWorld, "How to create a Linux-based network of computers for peanuts", http://www.linuxworld.com/site-stories/2001/0823.xterminal.html. 
>I just wondering if you, or anyone else here, is familiar with both the K12LTSP and the latter tutorial and, if so, if you could offer any advice on the relative merits of each. 
 From a quick glance at the LinuxWorld tutorial, it looks like the only 
real difference is that instead of going diskless (like LTSP) he had a 
minimal install on the terminals. IMHO, this adds to the complexity, 
especially if you're going to be using homogenous hardware for terminals 
(like our 140 N|C's from thinknic), but might simplify things if you're 
using a hodgepodge of very different hardware, although LTSP allows you 
to manage that fairly well also.

Overall though, the two concepts are effectively identical - the only 
difference really is where the terminal OS is actually stored.

               _______      ___    _  ____  _____  
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