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Re: [school-discuss] how to turn addpsx.pl into a subtraction worksheet generator
Jake Maul wrote:
First off, the script I'm referring to can be found here:
It generates a 1-page postscript file containing random addition
problems. I was easily able to modify it to output multiplication problems:
ps_digits("+ ".$b);
print "S\n";
# ps_digits($t); # don't print answer
ps_digits(""); # skip a line instead
Just change the "+ " to "x ". However, the same trick does not work with
subtraction: substituting in "- " causes errors. Ghostscript viewing
reports "undefined in d-", and an actual printout says "ERROR:
undefined. OFFENDING COMMAND: d-. STACK: -108".
I've tried various things, such as backslashes before the -, and
separating the "- " out into a separate print line (which I thought
would work but generate funky output...didn't work, same error). Any ideas?
Send me the complete file as you've modified it and I'll put
it on the SEUL/edu server as multpsx.pl. I'm no PostScript
hacker, but here's a guess: change the "+ " to " - " (a leading
space). Maybe that will break the concatenation of "d" and "-"
that seems to be being misinterpreted. The error you're seing
isn't a Perl error, I'm pretty sure, but one coming from the
PostScript interpreter in GhostScript.
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Doug Loss Courage is resistance to
Data Network Coordinator fear, mastery of fear --
Bloomsburg University not absence of fear.
dloss@bloomu.edu Mark Twain