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[school-discuss] EducationaLinux 2003
educationaLinux 2003's star-studded precis are up!
Jan 7th, 14:06 UTC
The educationaLinux miniconf of the premier Southern Hemisphere Linux
Event, LCA2003 now has a complete set of precis up for your viewing
See what you'll be getting when you roll up to [2]educationaLinux 2003
on the 20th of January!
The educationaLinux miniconf (of [3]LCA2003) features a dazzling array
of mostly Australian presenters, from hyper-qualified educational
experts through Linux gurus to the humble teacher-before-the-class
who's been called on to revolutionise their school.
Get reports from the front line of the Australian penguin invasion!
Find out how they did it and what you need to do to use Linux
effectively in your own school! Find out how to use the Linux Kernel
as a teaching tool! And book today, since the conf numbers are
snowballing fast! (-:
With this first ever Australian Linux-in-Education conference we are
putting out a fleece for future educational conferences. The
enthusiasm has been overwhemling so far; stay tuned afterwards for the
educationaLinux proudly takes its place alongside mini-conferences for
[4]Debian, [5]IPv6 and the [6]Linux Gaming Mini Conf in the leadup to
[7]The Conference of Australian Linux Users. We would like to thank
[8]the Perth Linux User Group and [9]the Society of Linux
Professionals, Western Australia for their ongoing support.
LCA2003 is being held in sunny [10]Perth at the scenic [11]University
of Western Australia on the banks of the Swan River. Perth at this
time of year is pleasantly warm, delegates are invited to arrive early
and/or stay on to experience more of Western Australia's amazing
[12]features, and the conference finishes on the annual and
world-famous [13]SkyShow fireworks display, with well over 300,000
people in direct personal attendance.
(Submitted by [14]Leon Brooks of [15]educationaLinux 2003 miniconf)
Visible links
1. http://linuxtoday.com/
2. http://plug.linux.org.au/
3. http://conf.linux.org.au/
4. http://www.debconf.org/lca2003/
5. http://ipv6.ztsoftware.net/
6. http://www.diskworld.com.au/lgmc/
7. http://linux.conf.au/
8. http://plug.linux.org.au/
9. http://www.slpwa.asn.au/
10. http://www.perthwa.com.au/perth/kingspark/pictures.shtml
11. http://www.uwa.edu.au/
12. http://www.westernaustralia.net/discover/
13. http://www.sydhowardfireworks.com.au/html/gallery/perth2002.html
14. mailto:linuxpr@cyberknights.com.au
15. http://plug.linux.org.au/~leonb/lca2003/
16. http://linuxpr.com/
17. http://linuxtoday.com/
18. http://linuxtoday.com/
19. http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2003-01-13-023-26-OS-DT-SW
20. http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2003-01-13-023-26-OP-BZ-MS
21. http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2003-01-13-022-26-NW-CD-LL
22. http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2003-01-13-023-26-NW-KN-DV
23. http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2003-01-13-015-26-RV-CD-SW
24. mailto:webmaster@linuxpr.com
Hidden links:
25. http://linuxpr.com/RealMedia/ads/click_lx.cgi/intm/linux/www.linuxpr.com/1273314111/468x60-1/Dice_Special_5c/jobs5.gif/63363365396563383365323334626130