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Re: [school-discuss] 2 New Edu Apps
I am the author of gcompris (http://ofset.sourceforge.net/gcompris), its
goal is to concentrate in a single user interface many activities for
our kids.
One person recently started a similar project (like gcompris) but based
on the python/SDL toolkit.
Of course, it would be great to have only one project but it is hard to
be cross-toolkit.
Please, consider making your math-scrabble application part of
childsplay since it is written in python/SDL.
Having a single unified consistent user interface to a bunch of
activities makes thinks easier for developpers, maintainers, packagers
and of course end users.
Le ven 17/01/2003 à 08:21, ccosse a écrit :
> Hello,
> i've written two educational applications that you might be interested in;
> the first is a math-scrabble game written in pygame/sdl and the second is
> a javascript crossword builder. I need to revisit both, but they work well
> in their current state and my kids like them, so that's something.
> The crossword builder can be tried at:
> http://www.asymptopia.com/AsymptopiaXW/
> The crossword package can be downloaded at:
> http://www.asymptopia.com/download/AsymptopiaXW.tgz
> The math-scrab*le game you'll need to download at:
> http://www.asymptopia.com/download/AsymptopiaMS.tgz
> I'll get some screenshots up this weekend and probably begin some small
> documentation. Please disregard the contents of the readme's in the pkgs
> as they are somewhat irrelevant anymore.
> I'd like to be an active member of this community and will be getting
> back regarding actually joining soon. I'd appreciate feedback on the
> games and will gladly respond to help requests you may have regarding
> setup of the Math-Scrab*le game.
> Bye-for-now,
> Charlie Cosse