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[school-discuss] schoolforge infomercial project
Dear Group,
i have an idea for a project to promote schoolforge and SEUL/edu and
especially the iso project. The no-risk self-contained linux-edu
is clearly a goal worth working for. What I'm thinking of, however, is
producing a commercial for it -- like a T.V. ad -- which could be:
1) played on T.V. (not that anyone has $ for that, though)
2) handed-out on cdrom (contents=autolaunch mpeg)
3) downloaded
' 4) ported to flash and played on websites
5) mailed to schools
6) etc etc
So, what i'm talking about is a high-quality multimedia infomercial.
Your iso project will be featuring several apps, so the infomercial can
show them all in use -- i'm thinking video-capture of actual sessions
within the apps to show dynamic/multimedia content and the apps
actually being used, along with continuous narrative and plugs.
The other for-profit "edu" dist projects can quickly copy this idea as
well, but if this group is there first, that's what counts. Furthermore,
if they did such a thing and this group didn't, then they would be
I'd like to setup a project page (starting this weekend) and try to lead
such an effort, with the group's permission and after some discussion.
Hope this can be desirable to everyone! Thanks,
Charlie Cosse