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Re: [school-discuss] Help!
On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 16:55, ptietjens wrote:
> Anyone out there using commercial open source (free as in free speech)
> software in their administrative functions?
> Specifically, I've just been told that after a year of deciding to ditch M$,
> our district will be purchasing two (two!) major pieces of software running
> with M$ SQL backends; financial and student management programs.
> I'd take DB2, Oracle, whatever! At this point, I'm not even concerned about
> open source (though that would solve some of the headaches we've had with our
> existing apps for these purpsoses) as long as it isn't Microsoft!
Here a ESSI we use SapDB as a database engine and some custom made
applications based on (JBoss, Apache Ant/Struts/Xalan, Jetty, etc...).
For the issue at hand SapDB can be an interesting replacement for a
commercial database as it was initialy based on AdabasD and was buyed by
SAP in order to put it under GPL.