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[school-discuss] [Fwd: Fwd: penguin (OT everywhere!)]
[Raphael sent this to me a few days ago. It seems like something
that would be of interest to many people and groups, so I'm
forwarding it here.--Doug Loss]
>>> raphael calvelli <raphaello-mouse@altern.org> 01/23/03
03:15PM >>>
Hello Doug,
I am inscribed to seul-educ, so I know you are well informed, and
I ask this to you, but probably there is a better place to post
this announce:
we would like to spread this announce also in the United States
and anglo-saxon world, as production costs and rarety of
customers make it a bit difficult for producer to produce it in
good conditions (it would be less expensive per item to produce
15 than just 3). Do you know which lists could be appropriate?
Thanks in advance,
Raphael Calvelli
from Lug of Florence.
If this may be useful to anyone:
we had to realize a suit of penguin. It's big, it's nice, it's
handmade in an Italian workshop, it has a not-for-profit cost. Of
course it is not for everyday use, but for the some rare
occasions in which it could be useful to have it, for an install
fest or a photo with your computer.
People interested can contact me directly.
Some free software partisans are organizing a demonstration of
penguins in front of the italian Senate on 31th January.
In this occasion, we made models for suits of penguins.
Production costs make that it would be easier to make some of
them, than only a few ones. So we are spreading the voice that
such a thing now exists, if it may be useful to anyone.
Body, head, feet, full with mousse. Photos of the prototype on
This penguin is realized by association Sart'arte (Art of
sewing), of Prato, sewing district near Florence. Sart'arte is an
association for teaching sewing, recently created. The
realization of the penguins will help this project to settle.
Cost: 90 euro + VAT (production price one piece at a time). The
cost comes from the fabric, all the mousse, and the work.
Delay in paiement possible. Various sizes available if said at
the moment of the order.
The model carton will be available, but not immediately.
Thanks to relay this mail.
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Doug Loss Courage is resistance to
Data Network Coordinator fear, mastery of fear --
Bloomsburg University not absence of fear.
dloss@bloomu.edu Mark Twain