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[school-discuss] Re: [seul-edu] [Fwd: File formats and distance learning]
--- Les Richardson <richl@mail.tfsd.sk.ca> wrote:
> Hi,
> > > Of course one can use the "freely available" PP Viewer
from the MS
> > > site.
> >
> > If you have windows or macitosh running, that is not always a
> given.
> > I have Debian GNU/Linux running. There are some tools, like
> OpenOffice,
> > and there is a PPTtoHTML that I can also install.
> > > As well, once in this format, it doesn't "come out" easily.
> >
> > That is the issue. Microsoft 2000 has a nice export tool.
> Yes, but export as what? AFAIK, this is just a graphics image
> "snapshot" of each slide.
I just sent you an export. You can export the outline into rtf.
but also the new version has most elements at html.
>This is totally useless since this is totally shorn of any
> content and structure that one can use in creating content in any
> other format. (which is, of course, what they want to prevent).
yes. OCR is overkill.
> > Even then, my school might not have the money to upgrade.
> But the larger issue is that all of your content is trapped and
> frozen in
> a proprietary format, unable to be converted to another, structure
> rich, format. (Yes, I know you can "save as" a useless image
snapshot or
> functionally obfuscated html code...)
> What happens in 3 years or 5 years or whenever you want to
reuse or
> edit that content? You must use the same app that created it
in the first
> place...
Ok. I need to make space for open-office and kpresenter. The GNU
LibOLE can extract the structure data out.
> > > b) Viewing Software
> > That is the most important for me at this point.
> Use either a Windows or Mac box for viewing. or simply create
an X server
> attached to Windows emulator (ie. VMware or the others...I
forget) so that
> you can run PPView via an X window anywhere... This is what
they do
> in the Battlefords School Division near here.
OK. I would even go as far to say, setup a openoffice application
server that can munge hundreds of ppts or single ones on demand.
> > > c) Richness of alternative file formats (ie. able to
support similar
> > > feature set)
> > A bare minimum is needed. Look at a possible blind student,
or disabled
> > student, they need at least text. Pictures would be nice as
> Most any structured format will do for this, since they're
> (virtually) all designed to store text and pictures. From HTML
> > Well, even if they stick to PPT for authoring, we need a
strong enough
> > lobby to demand that there is a standard distribution
format. That is
> > what I am trying to put togeather here.
> This just isn't going to happen. MS sells software. MS needs
new features
> to get you to buy the new version. New versions with new
features have new
> file formats. New versions read old versions, not the other way
> around. All this in aid of making money, not making better
wait! I mean to put pressure on the schools, not ms.
> Thus sticking with PPT authoring means the game is over before you
> start.
> Thus what is needed is a "Powerpoint Clone" authoring tool that
> "walks like PPT" and "talks like PPT", but creates a standard
XML format file
> based on some XML schema or DTD that can be converted to other
> structurally rich formats.
ok. I aggree.
> > I am trying to find and organise students and teacher who
dont want to
> > have to use be *forced* to use windows, at least to take
part in a
> > course. The authoring of those lessons is a different issue.
> I disagree. I see "complaining" as largely as waste of time.
(Think of the
> DOJ...) Vote with your feet...err...fingers. Use some other
sofware that will accomplish the same thing.
Well, I am a software developer. I will start looking at the
source code of the various tools, your right : an online
conversion service would be better than a lobby.
We could at least collect names and signatures of students who
use it. Let them vote with their mouse.
James Michael DuPont
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