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Re: [school-discuss] Microsoft Thwarting Free Thinking
Oh Joy,
Another bunch of misled high school dropouts who think they can compete
for jobs as Network and Systems administrators. The kids really lose
with this, believing their certification is equivalent to a 4 year
degree in computer science or information systems. I saw a few of these
during the recent dot.com boom. They were used as comic relief and
discarded when the money ran out. The hard part was trying to convince
them to go back to school as they had already convinced themselves they
had found an easy way out.
I wonder if they require History in addition to the Solitare Certification.
- cameron
Gerard Lam wrote:
Dear All,
I find this quite disturbing and it makes me sick.
It seems after reading the previous posts (where Microsoft is
practically giving away their software at the university level - they
did that at where I graduated form too - Penn State), Microsoft is
trying to capitalize on the "network effect" - where they lock kids into
using a certain technology and hope they take this mentality to college,
then to their work environment.
It's not an act of charity when Microsoft pushes (free software) or
encourages certification at this level, I am sure they do not have the
best interest of the children in mind. What could it be??? - A
long-term strategy to maintain and extend market dominance. Essentially
they are planting their seeds into the young minds of children at an
early age - that is preposterous - especially when the school system is
supposed to encourage freethinking.
I cannot see how this can be a model of excellence, let alone be
recognized as something to be proud about. I understand the argument
that Phillip Randolph is trying to give the kids an advantage (but they
should have a choice - maybe they are giving them a choice, I don't
know)- that is noble, but who is to say those are "the" skill sets they
need when they enter into the working world. According to a research by
Meta Group, an information technology research and consulting firm
located in Stamford, CT, predicts that 45% of servers will be running
Linux by 2007 at the latest (similar predictions by IDC). You now have
major Wall Street firms (Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sacs, CSFB...), and
Fortune 100 corporations (IBM, HP, Amazon.com, DreamWorks, Sony and
commitment from Unilever....) leveraging and adopting open source - So
would it not be to the demise of the children to tool them with a skill
set that might not be the most sought after skill set?
"Duval County Public Schools is committed to providing quality
educational opportunities that will inspire all students to acquire and
use the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in a culturally diverse
and technologically sophisticated world" Microsoft does not equal
technologically sophisticated or diverse.
I really feel we need to do something about this...will let you know
when I think of a resolution.... - goes with the saying, when you have a
problem with something, don't complain about it, but do something about
it :) Just wanted to send a message out and hope this is not the
beginning of a trend - by keeping an eye open to it, we can see the
threat coming....
"A Vision Without Action is a Daydream"
Gerard Lam
abcT (Acclerating Broadband Classroom Team)
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