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[school-discuss] Fwd: [Consortium] [Fervent Software] PR: Fervent Announce Studio to Go! for Schools
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I am forwarding this to schoolforge-discuss, maybe people are interested.
- - Burkhard
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Subject: [Consortium] [Fervent Software] PR: Fervent Announce Studio to Go!
for Schools
Date: Thursday 13 January 2005 16:15
From: fervent@xxxxxxxxx
To: fervent@xxxxxxxxx
Fervent Announce Studio to Go! for Schools
London, UK. 13th January 2005 - Fervent Software will be attending the
BETT expo for educational technology (http://www.bettshow.co.uk/) at
London's Olympia this week to talk to educators, suppliers and other
technology companies about their latest music technology product,
Studio to Go!, and the educational discounts now available.
Studio to Go! is a integrated Live CD of score, MIDI and audio software
and one of the most sophisticated combinations of music software anywhere
in a single value-for-money package. Studio to Go! is based on Linux[tm]
technology and Fervent Software is now offering this remarkable package
at an even more remarkable price for those in full-time education and for
quantity orders.
Fervent Studio to Go! retails normally at £49.99 including postage and
packing, or with a USB memory stick for £64.99. Students can now get
the basic package for £39.99 and the bundled version for £54.99. This
price includes bootable CD in mini DVD case, ?getting started? notes,
tutorials, introductions to all of the music applications included and
30 days email support and access to the Fervent Forums.
Studio to Go! runs entirely from the CD on Windows compatible 32-bit
PCs and requires no installation. Combine it with a USB memory stick
and you can take both studio and compositions around with you in your
pocket. Because the software isn?t installed and runs in its own
environment you don?t need to worry about compatability issues with
existing software on your system.
For more information and to order Studio to Go! please go to:
or email: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
About Fervent Software
Fervent Software Ltd is a privately owned music technology company
based in the UK. It focuses on delivering high standards of
usability and accessibility for music and creative software as well
as advocating and participating in major Open Source software
development projects. Fervent Software works with many music
technology providers and educational groups to bring high quality
music software within anyone?s reach. Studio to Go! establishes
Fervent Software at the forefront of innovation and excellence in
music technology.
Fervent mailing list
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