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Re: [school-discuss] One Laptop Per Child?

2007/1/3, William Fragakis <william@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Personally, I thought the author of the original article either a)
extremely parochial and having little understanding of parenting,
education, and technology in education or b) a troll looking for his 15
minutes of Warholian fame. For him, too, it's all or nothing - "no TV or
radio in our home". He is either unable or unwilling to discern the
differences between quality in either medium; or, doesn't trust his
children's ability to make those distinctions and won't take the time to
teach them. He takes the same approach to technology in developing
nations - "some of it might be bad so let's not have any of it."

http://kennke.org/blog/2007/01/03/one-laptop-per-child-revisited/ he has written another note, this time a bit calmer and more sensible.

"In my latest rant about OLPC I probably sounded a little extremistic. I'd like to add that I don't think that computers are generally bad for children. Especially in the developing countries there is probably good use for them, especially when it is not possible to have schools or something similar. I think I got a little annoyed because many discussions that I've seen take the OLPC as a cure for many problems that it can't be, and the focus is mostly on technical issues, on 3rd world issues and others, but not on the children. When done right, the OLPC is surely a nice opportunity to help the developing countries. For this to work we would have to include the children and the special needs of 3rd world countries into our focus. And that doesn't (only) mean childish themes and desktops. That means reasonable and sustainable pedagogic concepts that are tailored to these children in these countries. If there's documents about this please point me to them, I am really interested."

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`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
         -- Richard Stallman
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