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Re: [school-discuss] One Laptop Per Child?

I think that at its roots, the Laptop is a great idea
with alot of heart and soul pumped into it and it has
it is useful to many communities in a variety of way. 
However, we need to work closely with academics and
curriculum developers in each respective country to
make sure that we create localize software that
reflects the learning patterns and needs of both the
students and teachers in that region.  This includes
keyboard layout, text placement, icon positioning and
the icons cultural relevance.  If we don't take these
very important issues into consideration, we are
responsible for educational colonization of the worlds
children.  Getting them to work as we work is not
necessarily beneficial to their lifestyles in their
Policy must be developed with this new technology that
protects local interests and needs.  We don't even
have to go far from N.America to test out this idea,
we simply need to work with our elders in the
Aboriginal and Inuit nations to try and develop
localized software that can work with the new laptops.

Just a thought
Thank you
Educational Technologist
--- Vikram Vincent <vincentvikram@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Technology is necessary for the development of any
> nation and technology
> directed towards constructive purposes is definitely
> welcome.
> It's all a question of prioritisation.
> If the children (the society) are at a stage where
> all their basic needs are
> satisfied then one laptop per child will have the
> desired positive effect.
> Else It is a waste IMHO and efforts must be directed
> to implement the
> former.
> If schemes such as the OLPC and others are pushed
> without satisfying the
> former requirement then we must question the motives
> -- 
> Regards
> Vikram Vincent
> +919448810822
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/bangalore_alive/
> http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=19591248

Teprine Baldo 
  Bleu Rouge Productions
  (514) 201-7801
  (514) 522-3168

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