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Re: [school-discuss] Ice & Education


You could try and get information from Montreal and
Quebec libraries about our own ice storm and maybe it
can give you ideas.
Just a thought
--- Joel Kahn <jj2kk4@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Greetings from Bolivar, Missouri, where we are 
> still gradually recovering from one of the worst
> freezing rain events in recorded history. I spent
> more than one night in a house with no electricity
> and little water or heat, listening to the sound
> of ice-covered tree branches crashing to the 
> ground outside the window.
> During this stretch with no computer usage (never
> mind Internet access), I was able to get a whole
> different perspective on technology, its role, and 
> its limitations. I found that rereading parts
> of Neil Postman's book _Technopoly_ during the
> crisis was very helpful. :-)
> If anyone is thinking of using the Great Midwestern
> Ice Storm of January 2007 as the basis for some
> kind of educational project, let me know; I can
> provide front-line experience direct from the
> combat zone--and I certainly hope that *some* good
> should come out of this. . . .
> Joel Kahn
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