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Re: [school-discuss] Ice & Educatio

 listening to the sound
of ice-covered tree branches crashing to the
ground outside the window.

It's a sort of eerie sound, isn't it?  Thanks for sharing this.  I lived in Kansas City, Missouri a few years back and had almost forgot that part of the ice storm that helped me decide to move to Cali. :-)  Had to chisel an inch of ice off of my car door!

During this stretch with no computer usage (never
mind Internet access), I was able to get a whole
different perspective on technology, its role, and
its limitations. I found that rereading parts
of Neil Postman's book _Technopoly_ during the
crisis was very helpful. :-)

After reading this interview with Postman, http://www.booknotes.org/Transcript/?ProgramID=1115 , I can only imagine what you must have been thinking.  Glad to hear you're back online