Here's a thought, sort of a compromise.
We create a SOPA landing page telling the basic tale. Add an "okay, now you know what it will be like to be censored for no reason you can imagine. this is what will happen if SPOA or similar legislation passes and becomes law. Please click here to carry on with what you need to do at school forge."
On Jan 14, 2012 5:42 PM, "Jim Jütte" <jimjutte@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Just want to add my 2 cents here guys. I agree with a posting, but I had a heck of a time getting our admin to test open source to begin with. If they feel that we will just shut things down at the drop of a hat... there is no way they will support open source. In effect we should protest, but to punish to this extreme would simply force people away from the very idea we support.
>> So... put up the posting for now, but I don't suggest shutting down the site for the day.
>> Cheers