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Re: [school-discuss] project brainstorming: open source fiction writing
Since so many have posted some wonderful ideas on Open Source textbooks, I thought I'd ask for some input on one of my pet project subjects, open source fan fiction writing. There's a very active fan fiction community out there and many members of it have advocated that fan fiction is a great way to improve language and writing skills. Some fan fiction enthusiasts have even written thesis papers on fan fiction and education. One drawback, fan fiction is typically very much tied to copyrighted material. However, there's no reason one can't work with public domain or Creative Commons source materials instead. The entertainment industry rewrites public domain works all the time and finds ways to make them their own. Anyway, here's an article I did a while back on public domain based fan fiction:
I also started a list of resources for writers:
If you have any resources you'd recommend be added to the list, please let me know. Also, if you have any brainstorming ideas, would be very interested to hear about them. If anyone wants to discuss the topic in detail further, you can also write to me directly or via the wstorm mailing list mentioned in my article.