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Re: [school-discuss] [Fwd: How could we be part of this]
Thanks, Tom. I have a short memory for who sent what sometimes. I really liked
the Grameen piece and even started out working overseas in Bangladesh, so was
familiar with the original project, but not with the computer idea. I had a
long look at the Web sites you told us about. Incredible to find such
positive, people-sized help. I worry about this corporate sponsorship thing.
Just what are the companies offered in return for the donation?
At any rate, I it does seem like we could find a way of at least connecting
villages to each other. Thanks for starting this thread.
Quoting tom poe <tompoe@renonevada.net>:
> Hi: A little background on Grameen and the kiosk project:
> yunus@grameen.net
> Professor Yunus started a microcredit program in the early '90's, maybe. He
> built that into an infrastructure that now has electrical, communications,
> and financial resources for Bangladesh in place. When approached about
> figuring out how to scale up the donated computers for developing countries,
> we discussed the possibility of his end handling everything from the point of
> shipping onward. That broke down to roughly $700/computer/village/year for
> the entire country. On this end, we then find a corporate sponsor that funds
> the collection and preparation of 68,000 donated computers. In return for
> sponsorship, the corporate funding partners purchase the marketing rights for
> the kiosks. The idea, then, is a village kiosk, owned and controlled by the
> village, and the marketing rights owned by the corporate sponsor, and
> everyone running Open Source.
> At this time, we're still looking for some marketing professional that can
> sell the marketing rights to a corporate sponsor. That seems to be a big
> obstacle, for whatever reason. Not sure why. Seems to me, opening up a
> 250,000,000 market population online in a matter of weeks, would be a good
> thing, regardless of its' purchasing power at the time.
> I would, however, suggest and encourage anyone that wants to discover and
> work with Professor Yunus to contact him at the email above, and introduce
> yourself and see what happens.
> Thanks,
> Tom Poe
> Reno, NV
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