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[school-discuss] K12Linux heads for Texas...
I'm forwarding this message that Paul Nelson posted to the OS:N
mailing list, as I think it will be of interest to many of us:
----Forwarded from Paul Nelson-----
Hello Folks,
Well, tomorrow morning [June 18] at 5:50 am (just a few hours and 20
more K12LTSP CD sets away...) I'll be off for the NECC conference in
Texas. www.neccsite.org
This is the largest education/technology conference in the USA.
There will be 10,000+ teachers there. Thanks to the generosity of
Red Hat and Linuxfund.org, K12LTSP will be there too.
I'm taking our Linux Toaster
We're hoping it will get by airport security with no problems. ;-)
The toaster is really a K12LTSP terminal server. I'll also have a
NIC from thinknic.com and a Windows 2000 terminal server running on
my laptop. Once it's all plugged in, we'll be able to show how well
all this software works during a 2 hour session on Tuesday. I've
also scheduled several meetings with various people interested in
Linux in Schools. This is the best place to talk with folks from all
over the country. One goal we have in addition to showing teachers
what Linux can do for their schools is to demonstrate it to hardware
We'll also give away a hundred CD-Rom sets of K12LTSP. I wish that
number had another couple of digits in it but we do what we can...
I've worked up a set of slides that I'll post to the web site later
this week so others can use them.
Thanks again to Red Hat and Linuxfund.org for helping with this
trip. With school budgets so tight here in Oregon, there is no way
I could have gone without their support.
;-) Paul
Paul Nelson................... pnelson@riverdale.k12.or.us
Riverdale School, 11733 SW Breyman Ave, Portland, OR 97219
school (503)636-4511.....................fax (503)635-6342
Riverdale Web Page......... http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us
Doug Loss All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu Ashleigh Brilliant