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Re: [school-discuss] Can some one pls. answer this Q. for me.
Tom Adelstein wrote:
This is one of those times I could be personal and lay some shots at Mr.
Loss -- but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
If such Linux programs exist (and I'm sure they do because Linux
companies do blasts) then we should destroy it. I had to migrate away
from my last email address because I got like 100 emails and 98 of them
are spam. I didn't have that problem until I began posting on mailing
list like this one.
I forget the cost but I heard a politician say that spam costs the US
economy $80 billion a year.
Please Mr. Loss, don't do it.
Tom, you've got to read a bit more closely. I was arguing for exactly the
point you are. The fellow who wanted the spamming program was named John
Williams. As you say, I won't attribute to malice what might be caused my
inexperience. But be careful with your attributions too! :-)
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Doug Loss All men are frauds. The only
Data Network Coordinator difference between them is that
Bloomsburg University some admit it. I myself deny it.
dloss@bloomu.edu H. L. Mencken