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Re: [school-discuss] my puzzle about OSS in education
- To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [school-discuss] my puzzle about OSS in education
- From: Greg Farrell <erac_greg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 12:03:59 -0700 (PDT)
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I suppose I was more interested in evaluations of math
scores with Algebra Buster versus those without, to
give a better example.
--- Rob Rittenhouse <rob@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Quoting Greg Farrell <erac_greg@xxxxxxxxx>:
> >
> >
> >>Does anyone who's switched to OSS applications,
> like
> >>the ones Marilyn's listed here, have any available
> >>statistics that evaluate student's performance
> before
> >>and after the switch? What were the metrics used?
> >>
> >>I'm trying to get a sense of learning content
> value,
> >>so anything along these lines would be a help
> >>
> >>Greg Farrell
> The big question would be whether or not learning
> with computers helps.
> I don't see that there would necessarily be much
> difference between OSS
> and proprietary software in this area (do you
> actually learn
> significantly more or less by using the Gimp vs
> Photoshop? OpenOffice vs
> MS Office? TuxType vs Mavis Beacon?)
> Where OSS might help is in affordability and
> manageability of computing.
> If the choice is Gimp vs something we can't afford,
> OpenOffice vs
> something we can't afford TuxType vs something we
> can't afford the
> equation changes. Plus with OSS you can give the
> students the
> applications you are teaching with. What are the
> benefits in giving the
> students the software to use at home?
> Try flipping the question: what are the real
> advantages of using
> proprietary software?
> --
> Rob Rittenhouse
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