On Fri, Jun 24, 2005 at 08:53:16AM -0600, Alec Couros wrote:
My only concern about instituting Linux into all these schools is that
you are mandating now what teachers are expected to use.
You mean like how MS is mandated in many schools?
Yes ... that was my point. Any technology mandated in a school is a
mandated technology. I don't think you actually read my post.
I think it's great that South Korea has gone ahead and discovered the
economic and technical benefits of Linux, and I think this will be really
interesting to see local support economies benefit from this as well.
Poor school districts can barely afford software much less hardware. For
them Linux and other free *nix systems makes a LOT of cents.
Are you just supporting what I said?
No, not at all. Linux and other FOSS is not going to be a mandate in most
circumstances, but a resource of last resort for those schools that can
not afford anything else. It may be a defacto mandate, but not an
official one. The real issue is whether or not they can afford the
alternatives as well.