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Re: [school-discuss] Death of Windows?
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Bill Kendrick<nbs@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 12:01:20PM -0700, jj2kk4@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> It looks like FLOSS still has a ways to go
>> in getting into the minds of enough people....
> I've noticed this, even recently. Being steeped in open source
> (I've written numerous games and Tux Paint, and co-founded
> and still help run a LUG that's been around for 10.5 years),
> and having lived in either a University town or Silicon Valley
> during the past 11 years, I often forget that others out there
> are completely unaware of the "FLOSS movement."
> Sadly, I'm sure a lot of people don't care, or think using OSS
> will be a painful experience, just because it's 'different',
> and have feelings like "if it's free, there must be some gimick."
> I have a little text on the front page of the Tux Paint website
> that tries to briefly explain why it's free ("labor of love")
> and that it's completely volunteer-driven.
Hey Bill,
Thanks for Tux Paint. We just added it to the Sugar Labs Activities
Library at http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4088 .
> My LUG also occasionally goes out and does hands-on Linux demos around
> town, to try and make people aware of FLOSS alternatives and the fact
> that there's a local resource (the LUG) for getting tech answers and
> socializing with like-minded folks. And I try to put out
> "what's Linux?", "what's open source?", "what OSS software can _I_ use?",
> and "what's the point of this computer club?" handouts at our meetings
> and other events. :)
> I'm curious (and I realize the answers here will be mostly from a K-12
> point of view), but what kind of stuff are other folks out here doing
> to try and make FLOSS more understood by the general public?
Please take a look at the progress we have been making on the Sugar
Learning Platform. We have a long way to go.... But, we are
generating enough size to generate public interest.
> --
> -bill!
> Sent from my computer