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Re: [school-discuss] Sale of Libre-Software Artwork
It is a bit off topic, but I have a calender and a shirt from your
online store. I ripped the sleeves of of the shirt and wore it at
Coachella (a music festival) and it received a ton of compliments! :)
On 05/25/2012 01:53 PM, Joel Kahn wrote:
> As I've mentioned before, I've been producing art pieces using the GPL-licensed programming
> language BASIC-256. An art collector has now purchased a print of one of these pictures:
> http://www.saatchionline.com/art/New-Media-Art-Algorithmic-Art-Berserk-Battle/307020/1373366/view
> I think that art made with Libre Software could be a worthwhile plan of attack for helping out the
> movement. Art can speak for itself, bypassing the problems of ideology and technical jargon. I can
> deliver a very simple and direct message to anyone who looks at one of my pictures: this work
> could *only* be created in an environment of software freedom. In other words, software freedom is
> an absolutely indispensable requirement for artistic freedom when you're talking about the way I
> produce art. If someone asks whether I could have made this work using Adobe Photoshop, the
> answer is a flat and simple "no." Period. End of story. Nothing complicated about it. If anyone insists
> on getting more details, please feel free to give them my email address.
> Joel
> ###
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