Good Morning!
I read the last thread about OER links with great interest.
Several months ago I sent information to this list about the video contest. Another individual had contacted me to help her create a video, and that was how I found out about it - so I was already committed elsewhere.
Did anyone from the list make a video and enter the contest?
My original commitment fell through so at the last minute I made a quick video with my son, Sam.
Ann translated it into French for us so we have that version posted here -
Three years ago David and I and a few folks tried to get some grant money for a project which included creating a repository of Open Educational Resources for dyslexic students. We did not get any money. :( But maybe the idea is just now coming of age.
The thrust of this video is actually to promote the idea of this repository. I am hoping there are influential people who watch it. The Department of Education is one of the sponsors - so I hope Arne watches it.
What is this type of OER repository and why is it important?
People with dyslexia do not learn by reading. Some may never learn to read well enough where it is very useful. That is because their brains do not convert symbols to sounds or store written text well. Many people with some flavor of dyslexia will learn to read quite well, but still do not read to learn. Multi-sensory input works better. In a classroom, these students may have the highest IQs .. . . those who do not read to learn.
Standardized testing is the great villain currently, because everyone is teaching to the test. The tests are text-based so to properly teach to the test, classroom instruction must mimic the tests. Students every day end up working on many worksheets that look like the test. Dyslexic brains process these poorly or not at all.
Because everything is text-based, dyslexic students are missing out on school.
So, imagine an OER repository based on the Common Core Standards as the outline. Contributors post links to audio/visual materials under every category. When teachers are covering a subject, they go to this list to find available multi-sensory materials. Students may choose worksheets/textbooks or the audio/visual materials. Kids know what they need. Let them choose.
I have my website, where I could potentially host such a thing - but doubt my system administrator skills and the website's ability to handle high traffic. I emailed the Connexions dude, but have not heard back. It probably sounds like alot of work.
Maybe one of the links/organizations you were discussing in this thread would be the right group to approach about hosting an OER for Dyslexia site??
I have been rambling. Do you understand my question?
On another thought . . . I wonder if it would be possible for an individual to earn a small bit of income by creating OER/Dyslexia videos . . . putting them on YouTube with a Creative Commons license . . . but having the videos enabled for advertising? Thinking that it may attract contributors.
So, the videos are on YouTube, but the links to the videos are listed in the repository in the appropriate section of the Common Core Standards.