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Re: [school-discuss] Seeking a list of FLOSS & OER RSS Blogs
I added some of your links to the Schoolforge wiki:
If anyone has other resources they think would be useful to educators,
please add them to the wiki as well or mention them on the list, so
someone can add them. If you have Open Source software suggestions,
please add it to the Schoolforge software list (
https://schoolforge.net/education-software ) or mention it here so it
can be added by someone. Thanks.
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 8:19 AM, carolyn fox <cdfox1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The problem, of course, is that OER seems to be scattered. Another problem
> is that most people use Google as a search engine - that presents challenges
> for OER and users.
> www.oercommons.org - was recently released as a portal. I reviewed it for
> opensource.com (the tags and categories are problematic; it's also not
> user-friendly)
> http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=4995 - KS state dept of edu
> http://oedb.org/library/features/80-oer-tools - OER tools for publishing and
> develop initiatives
> http://www.onlineschools.org/2009/08/24/100-useful-resources-for-teachers-and-students-of-open-source/
> - 100 resources of OER
> http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/access-to-knowledge/open-educational-resources/
> - UNESCO is trying to develop a OER platform
> http://www.wsis-community.org/pg/groups/world/?filter=newest - OER knowledge
> communities
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