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[school-discuss] Udacity/courseera clone?
Hi, I teach programming-related courses to undergraduates. Some of
these, especially the programming 101 course, have large numbers of
students and we carry out automated marking using a rather ancient CGI
app. Students paste code into a web form, which is compiled and executed
in a sandbox on the server. The tutor creates a bunch of tests that the
students' code needs to pass, and pass/fail marks are recorded.
This CGI app needs to be replaced for several reasons: it's old,
complicated and hard to maintain.
So I've been trying to find a replacement system where students can
upload scripts/programs and get a mark. I've played around with MOOCs
like udacity and courseera that do this very well. It needs to have some
sort of community around it (or commercial support options maybe) so we
don't have the same bus factor we have now. We can host it ourselves or
it might be possible to host it externally, subject to various
constraints. Programming language agnosticism would be excellent,
otherwise we're interested in Java and/or Python. If it could be
integrated with Blackboard, all the better!
Do you know about anything like this? Thanks in advance,
Dr Jim Burton
Senior Lecturer in Computing
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
University of Brighton
07780 816282
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