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[school-discuss] Free Curricula License (a second look)
Please, forgive me if you are on both mailing lists and receive this message
Okay, after the first post of the FCL we got a lot of feedback. Yet, we,
Chris Hornbaker and Justin Zeigler, still need more. We are planning on
having a lawyer look over it and then submitting it to the OSI for approval.
So, the more help we can get with this license in its draft form, the better
the chances will be of this license being a success!
You can find the latest version here:
and here:
We, also, have a FAQ that we hope can help anyone. If you see any problems
with it please tell us. You can find it here:
You can meet Chris (hornbchr) on irc.openprojects.net in #fcl to discuss the
license. If you prefer, you can contact Chris directly at
Thanks to all the people that contacted us with feedback! You've been a great