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[school-discuss] [Fwd: articles about free software in schools]
I'm forwarding this with Peter's permission. I'm not the one to write such
a report for US schools, but I'd like some of us to step up here and do
so. I know there are people on these lists from many countries who write
about Linux acceptance in their own schools. Could you all think about
contacting Peter and helping him in this book? I'd like to see replies
from the US, Canada, Mexico, the UK, France, Italy, Russia, Turkey, Brazil,
Colombia, Australia, and New Zealand at the least (those are countries that
I _know_ have people on one of the other of these mailing lists who are
active in promoting Linux in their schools). I'd also like to see a reply
from Greece, as I know there was a push last year to get Linux labs in the
high schools (by the US definition) there, but I'm not sure that any of our
Greek members are directly involved in that. Still, could you forward this
message to some Greek educators who could help? Thanks, everyone!
Peter Bingel <peter.bingel@aventa.de> wrote:
> Hallo Doug,
> my name is Peter Bingel and I'm member of the FSuB (free software and
> education) organisation in Germany.
> I will redact - acompanied by the german Bundeszentrale für politische
> Bildung (federal office for political education) in Bonn - a book over
> the usage of free software in schools.
> In this book i will look "over the fence" to other countries, how the
> use of free software in schools is managed there. What kind of
> experiences do you have made - what you can say over acceptance of free
> software in american schools.
> Can you - or other authors - write an article over this topic?
> The author will be payed by the Bundeszentrale.
> With greetings from Bonn
> Peter
> http://www.bpb.de
> http://home.aventa.de/pb
Doug Loss All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu Ashleigh Brilliant