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Re: [school-discuss] [Fwd: articles about free software in schools]
This definitely needs doing and I have also begun research for a piece called
"Open Source Goes to School" (tentatively). I would also greatly appreciate
hearing from those willing to a) name their schools as users of free/open
sources and, if we're lucky b) describe what they're doing and even why.
If you post to the list, then the "sources" of the research are also open --
good stuff.
Quoting Doug Loss <drloss@suscom.net>:
> I'm forwarding this with Peter's permission. I'm not the one to write such
> a report for US schools, but I'd like some of us to step up here and do
> so. I know there are people on these lists from many countries who write
> about Linux acceptance in their own schools. Could you all think about
> contacting Peter and helping him in this book? I'd like to see replies
> from the US, Canada, Mexico, the UK, France, Italy, Russia, Turkey, Brazil,
> Colombia, Australia, and New Zealand at the least (those are countries that
> I _know_ have people on one of the other of these mailing lists who are
> active in promoting Linux in their schools). I'd also like to see a reply
> from Greece, as I know there was a push last year to get Linux labs in the
> high schools (by the US definition) there, but I'm not sure that any of our
> Greek members are directly involved in that. Still, could you forward this
> message to some Greek educators who could help? Thanks, everyone!
> Peter Bingel <peter.bingel@aventa.de> wrote:
> > Hallo Doug,
> >
> > my name is Peter Bingel and I'm member of the FSuB (free software and
> > education) organisation in Germany.
> > I will redact - acompanied by the german Bundeszentrale für politische
> > Bildung (federal office for political education) in Bonn - a book over
> > the usage of free software in schools.
> > In this book i will look "over the fence" to other countries, how the
> > use of free software in schools is managed there. What kind of
> > experiences do you have made - what you can say over acceptance of free
> > software in american schools.
> >
> > Can you - or other authors - write an article over this topic?
> > The author will be payed by the Bundeszentrale.
> >
> > With greetings from Bonn
> >
> > Peter
> >
> > http://www.bpb.de
> > http://home.aventa.de/pb
> --
> Doug Loss All I want is a warm bed
> Data Network Coordinator and a kind word and
> Bloomsburg University unlimited power.
> dloss@bloomu.edu Ashleigh Brilliant
http://schoolforge.net member