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Re: [school-discuss] [Fwd: (LOSS, Mr Doug) Britannica TechnicalSupport [No Ticket]]

Bruno Coudoin wrote:

> I am sorry, but I don't see why the free software community should help
> porting proprietary software to Linux.
> You will port this app for them and then you still have to pay them to
> get it. Later if they decide that's a too small market they will stop
> their support and we will have nothing at all.
> For sure won't spent a second helping them.

I disagree.  If the lack of a CD-ROM encyclopedia that can be accessed from Linux is
keeping Linux from consideration as an alternative to Windows in some schools, then
having this software available for Linux can help Linux and free software in general
to gain entry to the schools.  Once Linux is in place, efforts can be made to move
them to something like Nupedia.  Even if Britannica should decide to withdraw from
Linux support, we wouldn't end up with nothing at all--we'd have Linux installed in
the schools.

Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant