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[school-discuss] Competencies Released
I have released the first version of my vocational competencies tracking
program (it can also be used for academic competencies). It allows you
to assign competencies on per-student bases and then tracks each attempt
by the student to achieve those competencies. Competencies are drawn
from a bank using the following levels:
Enabling Objective
Industry and Job are I think self evident. Duties are collections of
tasks that make up the various duties of a job. Tasks are what we are
certify competency in, the things that you need to be competent in to
perform the job. In industry we could think of these as things you get
paid for. Enabling Objectives are things you need to know to perform a
task. These might be tested via quizzes etc. Performance standards are
the standards that you will be judged against in performing the task.
This project uses the same database as District DNA. It gets all class
list information from District DNA so unless you modify it you will also
have to use District DNA. Check it out on http://districtdna.com
<http://districtdna.com/> or
James P. Smyth
Technology Coordinator
Northeast Metropolitan School District