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Re: [school-discuss] How to properly outfit a learning-system forchildren?
Le mer 21/05/2003 à 06:22, David Harsany Crusoe a écrit :
> While I'm certain that Linux is an absolutely excellent operating system, I
> am faced with two realities: children will require support for their
> systems, and not all "common" child-oriented software is linux-based.
I don't know which oriented software you are talking about but most on
Windows are proprietary and you will have to pay a licence for each
school computer / teacher (to practise home) / parent, and manage that.
Not following this rule can make your gift a time bomb for the school
management when they will realise the operation is eitheir costly (you
pay all the licenses), unmanageable (try to manage the licenses),
illegal (you don't pay or not enough).
Bruno coudoin
gcompris http://ofset.sf.net/gcompris