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[school-discuss] [Announce gcompris 3.0]
Now gcompris allows you the develop activities in C or in Python.
It makes it easier for you to develop for gcompris.
The refresh bug: gcompris is suffuring a bug of the gnome-canvas that
makes gcompris not to be refreshed correctly.
We have done our best to add some workaround to this but the situation is
not perfect yet. Sorry for that.
Beside python, there are several news:
- in geography, east and west europe have been added. No country sounds yet.
- a submarine simulation has been created by Pascal Georges
- changed the edition mode for the shape board. Now you enter the 'e' key to enter the edition mode. A help is displayed to give the keys but most important is that now you can move the items and save the resulting xml data file. It is not yet possible to create a new xml data file from within gcompris, you still have to create the file by hand with your images.