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Re: [school-discuss] Converting 600 old laptops into K12LTSP thin clients for 1:1 ratio at a middle school
Søndag 21 mai 2006 18:58, skrev Rich Goodwin:
> 1) Determine if the systems are the same or not
> 2) If they are the same - CPU, RAM, devices ... then load the distro
Experiences with large municipality wide installations at all schools in
Norway shows that you can handle i huge variety of different client
hardware on the clients. So It's no demand for identical hardware. The
reason for this is that the thin client support, the diskless workstations
and standard workstations recognises all the hardware.
That situation has been a fact since 2004, after years of developing the
auto detecting of hardware that now is standard in Debian, Skolelinux,
Edubuntu and others Debian derivatives. The auto detection is also the fact
for older laptops, when used as workstations.
But if you continues using an older version of Windows, you should have
identical machines to prevent to handle to many diskimages when maintaining
software installed on every PC. If you have 4-5 different machines with
different CPU, disk, RAM you have a lot to do.
With Debian based distributions apt-get handles the software upgrades on the
huge variety of hardware.
In short. Things has changed the last 5 years :)
Paper that sums up the experiences using Skolelinux in municipality wide
installations at all the schools (pdf):
A presentation from debconf 6:
Knut Yrvin