I contacted the owners of skole and they sent it to me by post and I
got it 3 days after I paypaled them $3.00. Arjun Asthana wrote: I tried Red Flag Linux 4.0. Seems to be the Win2000 clone ;-) for desktop. All configurations can be done using GUI and user is (probably) not required to use console at all. Very easy to make people migrate. The Redfag Linux has been created by China (I guess, to standardise linux for use on desktops in China). http://www.redflag-linux.com I want a CD of skolelinux/debian-edu. How can i get it? not possible to download. Any help will be gratefully accepted. On Tuesday 16 November 2004 05:55, Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:Hi Arjun, I would suggest at least looking at Skolelinux/Debian-Edu. This distribution (originally named Skolelinux, but now also goes by the name Debian-Edu), which came from Norway and is based on Debian is one of the best school-oriented Linux distributions right now. Very recently it won the Linux New Media Award 2004 in Germany for Best Newcomer Linux Distribution. It is being localized in many languages already and the list keeps growing. For more information I would suggest checking out: http://www.skolelinux.org Regards Konstantinos On Äåõ 15 Íïå 2004 21:24, Theodoros Karounos wrote:FYI... -------- Original Message -------- From: Cameron Miller <cdmiller@adams.edu> Subject: Re: [school-discuss] Which is the fastest Desktop distro for schools? To: schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net Arjun Asthana wrote:We are trying to promote Linux in schools. We have tied up with AMD to provide PCs at low costs. We want to find the fastest desktop distro so that the users can feel the value of Linux. I am in India. And the targeted audience is schools/students/teachers of class 8,9,10,11,12. The distro neednt have edu software, we will provide this by downloading from the internet, we want a fast booting, fast loading distro with a good GUI and we are not hell bent on KDE/Gnome. |