Dear M. Dean and everybody,
Nothing personal here, but I'd just like to comment the followings of
your remarks that have a more global issue than the others :
Michael Dean a écrit :
Probably what most people would want is just a computer!
This is right, but a computer without any operating system (OS) and
applications is of no use, so it should rather be a computer and the
necessary software to use it. So the issue of softwares and their format.
They can get the software, open source or proprietary, on any street
As a fact, in Vietnam we can get a lot of OSes and applications for
about 0.5 $US one CD. With regard of commercial non-free softwares, at
such a price they are obviously illegally copied softwares. We can also
find Cds with free and opensource softwares as well, and then, that's
very cheap and affordable, if you consider the download costs that would
incure if you had to download Openoffice (> 65 Mb = about 5 hours
minimum at 56 kbps, if no trouble) through a modem connection.
The question might be : which Cds (holding illegal softwares or holding
free softwares) people are going to purchase ?
The righ patht is the most pragmatic path to worker productivity.
Then, the right path is not always the one that seems obvious because
the concept of rightness is very relative and never absolute (although
some concepts sound more righteous than others).
In the case I wanted to develop in my previous email, mindlessly buying
a Cd of pirated software (Windows, MS Office, etc.) would be a
short-sighted way and is certainly, by the time being, the easiest way
to go. In nearly no time, with a few bucks, you could get a computer
installed with softwares worth of several thousand of dollars and start
to produce right away. This choice sounds obvious in the usual working
environments of developing countries (where use of illegal commercial
softwares is widespread) too : why bother to use and learn something
legal and free (eg OpenOffice), but that nobody is using, when you can
just get the "big thing" for nothing (although illegally) and when
nobody offers to teach how to use e.g. OpenOffice and nobody ever dares
to send files in e.g. OpenOffice format.
As a matter of fact, everybody is generally following the path (like
sheep in a herd) created by the ones who went before them, i.e. using
Windows softwares.
The concept of being able to install and use e.g. OpenOffice may arise
when someone, sometimes, can get across interesting information that is
made available in (but not only) the OpenOffice format for further
editing and adaptation to one's proper use.
Being able to use a legal copy of MS Word does not forbid the paralell
use of OpenOffice, in the contrary.
But, for people who are faced with the choice of buying a Cd of pirated
software or a Cd of free softwares to install their computers, what
could we do ? what are we supposed to do ? when we are in the education
field !
For that, some people and institutions, especially, have to start doing
so. A fine and good example can certainly be found at
Best regards
Vu Do Quynh
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, Bureau Asie Pacifique
Responsable, Centre d'Accès à l'Information scientifique et technique
(CAI) de Hanoi
08 rue Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tél: +84-4-9331070 ; Télécopie: +84-4-8247383
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