Hi Wayne,
Thank you for your good questions on ImaNote.
Wayne Mackintosh kirjoitti 9.11.2005 kello 10:10:
Is there any way that we can set this up as a "webservice" concept - I know
that it does not entirely meet the social concept notion - but I'm always
looking for ways in which folk who don't have connectivity can benefit from
these technologies.
Is there a way we can strip the product of ImaNote into HTML that we can
package in a div and publish offline using a technology like eXe?
Best regards,
- Teemu
Chat to you soon. Wayne
-----Original Message----- From: ELEARN-OPENSOURCE To: ELEARN-OPENSOURCE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: 08/11/2005 11:08 Subject: [IIEP] ImaNote 0.5 released
Dear all,
We're proud to announce the release of ImaNote 0.5 - a web-based multi-user tool that allows you and your friends, to display online a high-resolution images (e.g. maps) and add annotations and links in to them. It is not primary a “learning tool” but it is an empowering “social software” - we hope.
The ImaNote software is available here:
ImaNote is Open Source and Free Software released under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL).
----------------------------------------------- Teemu Leinonen http://www.uiah.fi/~tleinone/ +358 50 351 6796 Media Lab http://mlab.uiah.fi University of Art and Design Helsinki -----------------------------------------------