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[school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] Free and Open Source Software for E-learning (long)
I've been updating some of my links and making them sharable via
Please help by sharing across any useful URLs you know of, in the field
of Free/Libre and Open Source Software and education.
Regards, FN
> Reply-To: ELEARN-OPENSOURCE <ELEARN-OPENSOURCE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sender: ELEARN-OPENSOURCE <ELEARN-OPENSOURCE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> From: Susan D'Antoni <s.dantoni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: Spam:[IIEP] Free and Open Source Software for E-learning
> Dear Colleagues,
> Thanks to Frederick for drawing attention to the forum page on the IIEP
> web site that supports this discussion. We update it as we can, but
> would be delighted to have input from you with respect to resources and
> links that should be added.
> Best regards,
> Susan
_/ Frederick Noronha | Independent Journalist | Ph 832.2409490
_/ Goa India | fred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://fn.notlong.com
_/ Mobile: 0 9822 122436 | http://fn-at-google.notlong.com
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