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[school-discuss] powering on K12LTSP network after power glitch
One of the interesting issues we're seeing as we deploy 3-5 clients and
one server to each classroom is that the electrical power in our school
apparently glitches more often that we suspected, and inevitably the
clients try to boot before the server has fully rebooted, and the
clients end up booting from their hard disk in that awful proprietary
mode. While we're going to focus on showing the teachers how to reboot
their classroom K12LTSP networks, I was wondering whether it would be
possible to have a script at the end of the server boot sequence that
sends a reboot command to all clients. I think most computers can be
set in the BIOS now to autopower on when power is detected, so that fix
plus the addition of the aforementioned script would make it so the
system always comes up w/o requiring teachers to manually reboot anything.