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Re: [school-discuss] Open-source alternatives
Computer Curriculum Corporation. Sorry about the Plato stuff. Spread
the word.
Gordon Truesdale wrote:
Sorry for the delay responding to this thread. Could you give us a
little more info on CCC? Is there a website? Four or five years ago we
purchased 3 seat liscences for Plato and it has been of marginal use.
Thank you,
Michael Dean wrote:
Yes, this is the same (possibly modernized for browser delivery)
Plato software I evaluated at the Minnesota Educational Computing
Consortium in the late 70's! Then the software didn't work, and my
investigations of more contemporary evaluations came to the same
conclusion! If I recall, then students lost 10 months of math
achievement over what they would have accomplished with just a
teacher! This is in contrast to CCC, where theirdrill and practice
modules caused students to gain 18 months! A two year gap!
troy@banther-trx.homeunix.com wrote:
Try www.plato.com