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[school-discuss] [IIEP] Battleground of ideas: FLOSS debate raises tempers at BytesForAll
BytesForAll's mailing list[1] recently played host
to a strong, and at times polemical, debate on
proprietary-versus-FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source
Software). In this debate, there were these couple of great
posts here [2] and here [3], that put things neatly in
perspective -- thanks to David Geilhufe who is co-founder of
the SocialSourceFoundation.org [4] and Sunil Abraham of
Mahiti.org [5].
It all started with a rather critical-of-FLOSS post by
University of Manchester's Dr Richard Heeks [6] offering a
link to an eDevelopment Briefing titled "Free and Open Source
Software: A Blind Alley for Developing Countries?" [7].
It calls the 1980s shareware "FOSS forerunner" to have had
"zero" impact, says data from Africa shows only five percent
of computers "in developing countries" have any Open Source
software running on them, and notes that proprietorial
software dominates "even in Cuba... where the US embargo
should make conditions highly propitious".
Besides, the briefing says that "piracy" and the "limited
size of initial purchase price within total cost of software
ownership" there is actually no "evidence of FOSS delivering
cost savings".
Says the briefing: "In particular, proprietary software may
not be open source but it is certainly free for the great
majority of developing country users, thanks to piracy." It
points to the lack of awareness of FOSS in Africa, and the
lack of international links needed to be part of an "active,
global community of like-minded developers".
One early response to this brief text came from BytesForAll
co-founder Frederick "FN" Noronha and is here for viewing
It argues, "The "5% of computer systems" overlooks the role
played by FLOSS in servers, in keeping the Internet running,
in giving unprecedented access to developers of the Third
World to take part in a global movement, and more." This
study, argues this post, overlooks the potential of FLOSS in
large 'developing' countries like India, China, Brazil and
South Africa. It points to another study -- from Finland --
which it says is more open to the benefits of FLOSS in the
"developing" world. See
FN also adds, "By saying 'proprietorial software is free' for
the bulk of the 'developing' world, the study is guilty of
both tolerating/encouraging the illegally copying of software
('piracy' is a loaded term, unfortunately accepted by
academia too) and missing the essence of what Free Software
is all about (offering the freedom to be used, copied,
studied, modified and redistributed). We are not fighting
just for the right to remain 'pirates'...."
Richard "RMS" Stallman, founder of the Free Software
Foundation joining in the debate with these comments. [9]
There was a longish debate on benchmarking FLOSS. Javier
Sola, a Spanish-Chilean working on Khmer language
localisation in Cambodia, added some interesting points [10].
Javier, who works with APC member the Open Forum of Cambodia,
argues: "Academics should make sure that they look at all
factors when they write something like this. In this case the
author has not come even close to it. He has, among others,
completelly ignored the power of localisation, diminished as
"techies and amateurs" some of the people that have clearer
ideas of what is needed for real migration and used
anectdotal data for his conclusions."
Sunil Abraham argues how proprietorial software could kill --
no exaggeration, due to its delays and restrictions -- in a
post-Tsunami situation. He also argues that "because Sahana
(a Free/Libre and Open Source Software project to cope with
disasters) is FOSS, the earthquake stricken people from
Pakistan and India don't have to spend money earmarked for
food on software." Then, in an almost tongue-in-cheek Sunish
manner, he argues that FLOSS "increases the responsiveness of
an organisation. This is important whether it is peoples
lives or greater profits." [11]
David Geilhufe has this very interesting response to argue
that FLOSS offers "viral diffusion" (to enable its
uncontrolled spread, of course in a positive way), local
control and lower barriers to entry. Well put, and very well
Here's [12] what David argues eloquently: "There is no
religious war here, but I think the staunch defenders of
proprietary code get stuck on analyzing the software... this
isn't the important part. One needs to analyze the innovation
and use of software... that, I believe, is where the real ICT
impact lies."
David's Social Source Foundation [13] is here. It is "a
nonproft organization that exists to create open source,
mission-focused technology for the nonprofit and NGO sector."
Another link is the OpenNGO.org [14] network. OpenNGO calls
itself "an open source project to create a set of web-based
tools designed to meet the needs of small U.S. nonprofit
organizations and non-governmental organizations across the
Meanwhile, another strong debate continued at the Global
Knowledge for Development mailing-list, visible at the
archives here [15]. Some supported Heeks views, while others
said academia was missing the point on FLOSS.
Said Mark Davies (mark@xxxxxxxxxxx): "As an African business,
and as an African software development business, I still
don't get it. There's so much enthusiasm for FOSS, there's so
much conference mind-share spent on this topic, and yet I
don't see an illuminating discussion about the opportunities
for risk/reward for people like us." [16]
After facing a lot of counterpoints, Heeks responded: "You
can read this message in two ways: either that FOSS will
never deliver; or that the FOSS community needs to rethink
its strategies. Or, of course, if you've devoted months or
years to FOSS and don't like the message, you'll try to
denigrate the writer, deny the data, and so forth." [17]
Klaus Stoll the president of Fundacion Chasquinet [18] in
Quito, Ecuador also swam against the tide. He wrote: "...yes,
my organization Chasquinet Foundation works with Microsoft
and yes it is the same organization that produced and
published the Open Source tollbox for Telecenters in Latin
America [19] and yes we have as a policy in our organization
that people should have a right to choose. What counts for us
here at the grassroots are real ICT tools for Development, be
they open source or otherwise, what counts is if they make a
real positive impact in improving peoples lives."
African NGO Kaibassa argued here[20]: "We at Kabissa have a
very practical orientation and don't really push Open Source
in our trainings or through our services and Web site unless
it's just staring in our faces as just plain better. Open
Source Content Management Systems and other server-based
tools and desktop applications like Firefox and Thunderbird
spring straight to mind. In the meantime, I hope you and
other software developers in Africa are aware of and
considering attending Africa Source II."
But one key perspective came from Richard "RMS" Stallman,
founder of the Free Software Foundation [21]. He commented:
"The choice between free (freedom-respecting) and proprietary
(user-subjugating) software is not a technical choice. It is
an ethical and political issue about people's freedom. To be
neutral on issues that merely concern technology is fine. To
be neutral on ethical and political issues about freedom is
nothing to be proud of."
[1] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bytesforall_readers
[2] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bytesforall_readers/message/6855
[3] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bytesforall_readers/message/6849
[4] http://www.socialsourcefoundation.org/
[5] http://www.mahiti.org/
[6] mzdid10@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[7] http://www.manchester.ac.uk/idpm/dig/briefings.htm
[8] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bytesforall_readers/message/6769
[9] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bytesforall_readers/message/6794
[10] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bytesforall_readers/message/6775
[11] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bytesforall_readers/message/6848
[12] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bytesforall_readers/message/6855
[13] http://www.socialsourcefoundation.org/
[14] http://www.openngo.org/
[15] http://www.edc.org/GLG/gkd/2005/Oct/
[16] http://www.edc.org/GLG/gkd/2005/Oct/0321.html
[17] http://www.edc.org/GLG/gkd/2005/Oct/0319.html
[18] http://www.chasquinet.org
[19] http://tele-centros.org/tc-toolkit2.0/
[20] http://www.edc.org/GLG/gkd/2005/Oct/0334.html
[21] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bytesforall_readers/message/6837
Frederick 'FN' Noronha | fred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Co-Founder, BytesForAll.org | http://fn.swiki.net
Goa, India | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436