I sent this to the list as a response to the Tablet Linux thread, but I realized that I needed to make the content clearer with a separate subject line. Sorry for the clutter and duplication, but this _is_ for a good cause. ------ The documentation group has a document, and the deadline is ASAP. Ideally within a week. I have just started working with them and am still figuring out the terrain. They asked for my help in finding translators for the following languages: 1st priority: es, pt, en, hi, am es = spanish | pt = portuguese | en = english | hi = hindi | am = amharic (ethiopia) 2nd: ar, th, he, fr , ru ar = arabic | th = thai | he = Hebrew | Fr = French ru = russian Of course, the source doc is in English, so no translator needed there. Does anyone have any interest or connections to people who have interest? Micheal Cooper Miyazaki International College Micheal Cooper Miyazaki International College |