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Re: [school-discuss] cinelerra - Help!


Wow!  Cool!  Editing animations with 7-8 year olds.  Thatś great.

Raffaella, you might be able to answer Garyś question - comparing Cinelerra
to iMovie.  I have not used either yet.

My M.A. is in Media Communications.  I worked as an intern in the campus TV
studio, but that was almost 20 years ago.  Not much was digital back then.  So
I am trying to make the transition to digital with Cinelerra.  I played with
Premiere in ยด94, but it was still pretty weak back then compared to commercial

I really want to do movie making and music composition with my multimedia
students.  The rhythm composition in Hydrogen added to the Gimp slide show
project turned out pretty cool.  So we will inch our way along.

Thanks again for all your advice!!  I will test it on Monday!


Quoting Raffaella Traniello <raffaella.traniello@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> Marilyn,
> I'm a Cinelerra fan :-)
> I use it for editing animations I make with my pupils (Primary school,
> 7-8 year olds). 
> > The incompatible dependency problem is almost funny.  It seems endless.
> I bet it is not. :-)
> > I am about to check repositories.  Or maybe I can do the
> download/configure-make
> > stuff to work.  Sometimes I get lucky.
> If you are trying to compile Cinelerra-CV (Community Version) from
> source you may find those helpful (some are out of date but still
> useful):
> Compilation from source code on Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon:
> http://lab.dyne.org/cinelerra/Gutsy
> Compilation from source code on Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft:
> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=320701&highlight=cinelerra
> Compilation from source code on Ubuntu Breezy:
> http://placide.home.sapo.pt/cinelerra02.html
> Compilation from source code on Ubuntu Dapper Drake (for beginners, in
> Italian):
> https://faberlibertatis.org/wiki/Cinelerra_CV_su_Ubuntu
> I'm afraid I can't help you more. But the Cinelerra Community is very
> friendly.
> You can look for help on the mailing list
> https://init.linpro.no/mailman/skolelinux.no/listinfo/cinelerra
> or join the IRC channel #cinelerra on FreeNode. I'm often there
> (European evenings). 
> Cinelerra is a great piece of software! :-)
> Good luck! 
> Raffaella
