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Re: [school-discuss] Major Linux school deployments

This sounds fantastic. Looking for client hardware. Want to do something similar, but am finding it hard to find decent thin client hardware. Too slow or limited. Would love to hear how wrong I am.
----- Message from mike@xxxxxxxxxxx ---------
    Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:59:57 +0300
    From: Michael Shigorin <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Subject: Re: [school-discuss] Major Linux school deployments
      To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 05:12:03PM -0700, Jordan Erickson wrote:
> Our biggest school is running 236 diskless clients off of one server.
WOW. What are the server specs? I *have* to assume you aren't
running 236 clients *at the same time* from this single server.
I think it's pretty possible these days, in Atlanta they did up
to 120 clients per server with 8Gb, 4 cores and 4Gbps:

The main boot/application servers were HP DL385 - Dual core, dual
processor AMD Opteron 285's with 8 GB RAM and 3 36GB SCSI drives
and 6 Gigabit ethernet (4 ports bonded to be one fat pipe to
provide DHCP and data to the clients). Each school has 1 to 5
application servers with 70 to 120 clients per server. Each
school also has a DL385 with 6 142GB SCSI drives acting as a
common storage area for students.
--- http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/SuccessStories#Local_Net_Solutions_installs_7_s
One can get 10GE, 16--32Gb RAM and eight cores for quite
reasonable prices by now.

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/

----- End message from mike@xxxxxxxxxxx -----

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