Marc,You might be interested in this web site "Wireless Networking in the Developing World"... you have people visiting your education centre using your wireless connection on their mobile devices? If so, do you find that people generally know how to do this?
Did you re-do speed tests? Could you also please ask your ISP to provide an internal-facing speed test URL? Using that and using a direct connection is the only way to get an accurate reading. It's still a good idea to do several tests.
Please let me know if you've been able to upgrade the RAM on any of your computers.
kind regards, Daniel Villarreal Please see my web site and feel free to use my survey questions on your own survey.
On 10/06/15 09:54, Marc Stephan Nkouly wrote:
Thanks so much for the links, i will exploit them and see what i can do . It's true that personally am particularly interested in applications that has to do with Telecommunications like games that could be played by answering sms or even on mobile phones that will respond to a server. Marc Stephan Nkouly Digital Literacy (Technology) Coach bp: 5180 Nkwen Bamenda cameroon Mobile: 00 237 77 95 77 55 00 237 96 19 11 50 [...] On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 5:08 AM, Marc Stephan Nkouly <mcsteann@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mcsteann@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:To put it simpler one thing i would have dream of would have been to have materials that could be use even on self pace to acquire some programming knowledge at least enough to get started and be able to contributes to other projects .
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